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January 10, 2024

Couples’ Home Care Pros And Cons

Posted In: In-Home Care

Many people understand how home care for an individual can be necessary but fail to consider couples’ home care. Many situations can benefit seniors even when they’re not alone. What are the pros and cons of a couple’s home care compared to that of individual seniors? First, it’s less expensive than nursing home or assisted living where you pay for two individuals to live in a facility or pay for two different residences if one stays home.

Some health issues require around-the-clock medical highly skilled care.

One of the cons of home care occurs when around-the-clock highly skilled medical care is required. It isn’t as cost-effective as a facility and far more difficult to achieve. One individual may require several different specialists, including therapists, registered nurses, and skilled practical nurses. The cost of staying at home, even if it’s possible, can become prohibitive.

If one partner is incapacitated and the other is functioning, home care may be the best solution.

Too often seniors don’t ask for help in caring for a spouse. It can be overwhelming. That can lead to exhaustion and illness. Home care specialists can provide respite for the healthier partner and often much-needed help. Depending on the situation, the home care worker can provide a social outlet, too. If both partners have limitations, the home care worker can be a perfect solution by filling in the gaps and doing the things that they can’t do.

Staying at home with help from a home care worker addresses mental health.

Moving from a familiar home and separating an elderly couple can lead to mental health concerns. That can increase the potential for deteriorating health and reduce life expectancy. Aging in place in a home familiar to them offers more than comfort. It offers more companionship and control. Children, friends, and relatives feel more comfortable visiting and there are no limitations. The television can play loudly without a problem. It’s simply a better option if health and mental capacity allow it.

  • Couples may not need much care but may need a lift to the grocery or help getting to medical appointments. As seniors age, diminishing vision, slower response time, and other issues may make it difficult for them to drive.
  • Having meals prepared ahead of time that only require heating and serving is one benefit of home care that can address many problems, such as nutritional needs.
  • If each senior has different needs, finding a facility to accommodate both may be difficult. Home care agencies are more flexible and can provide services for both individuals.
  • Each situation is unique. Seek help from professionals. Contact a home care provider and a care facility to see which meets your needs best.

For more information, contact us today at LiveBetter At Home